Baseball Idioms

Ever wonder how many baseball idioms there are? Here's what I came up with:

I'll touch base with you later. In the mean time, make sure you cover all your bases. And don't drop the ball on this. We're down to our last out.

It's a whole new ball game, so you're going to have to step up to the plate.

These numbers aren't even in the ball park; You're way off base.

He's really on the ball. Every once in a while he'll throw you a curve.

I'm in a rush. Just give me the run down.

That comment came out of left field, you bush-leaguer. You're not playing ball. You're just grandstanding.

She plays hard ball and I struck out.

He got it right off the bat. 

I can't get there in time so you're up.

She went to bat for me and knocked it right out of the park.

You're in the big-leagues now, you screwball.

My schedule is hit and miss so I'll have to take a rain check.

So far, we're batting a thousand, but these guys are heavy hitters.